Homework Club
Students not being successful in one or more courses will be recommended by teachers to homework club. OR, simply drop by if you need some help or are looking for a quiet place to work on coursework.
Monday -Thursday from 3:00 - 4:00 pm
*** Late bus runs on Wednesday and Thursday at 4:15 pm
Learning Support 10 - 12
Learning Support is open to any student in any grade who needs help in any school subject, provided he/she is willing to work and improve his/her level of achievement.
Learning Support is not an elective course. Referral to Learning Support is by: Teacher, Parent, Student self referral, or Counselor and then such referral must be approved by the School Based Team. Tests may be administered to assist in the diagnosis of academic strengths and weaknesses for the purpose of relevant remediation and proper placement.
The primary focus of Learning Support is to assist the student in meeting the requirements of subject teachers. In addition, the Learning Support teacher attempts to strengthen and/or take remedial action to improve the student’s abilities and skills.
This is a non-credit course, but evaluations are made and are reported to the parent/guardians.